The Good Nature Show
A podcast about feeling better and living better through the powers of the natural world
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Welcome to The Good Nature Show!
Here we explore what it is about nature that makes us all happier, healthier, more creative, and feel more alive! Join host, Ret Taylor as he interviews some of the world’s best and brightest on the subject and learn along with him what it looks like to live connected in this increasingly disconnected world.
About the Host
The Good Nature Show is hosted by Ret Taylor. Ret has spent a lifetime drawn to nature and over a decade researching and running some truly crazy experiments to see what it is about nature that helps us all feel better and live better.
After all that, he still doesn’t have all the answers and will be the first to admit some of those answers don’t exactly jive with his appreciation for central air and cushy shoes…
This podcast is his excuse to chat up some of the world’s best and brightest on the subject, get them to share their own hard-earned knowledge, and learn along with listeners how to live a modern life with a greater connection to the natural world.
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